
Extra capabilities

When entering content into a page or post using “Edit page” you can add images using the “Add media” button as normal but you can also make the image automatically scalable to fit the screen width.

You will need to use the “Text” tab instead of the “Visual” tab to do this.

Hint: Always add the image at full size if you want it scaled.

For example, suppose you add an image and the inserted code looks as follows…
<img src=”” alt=”default-products-list” width=”410″ height=”254″ class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-149″ />

REMOVE width=”410″ height=”254″

That’s it. Your image will be scalable.

Slide Page

The Pro Expert Skin also has a page template specifically designed to present large landscape images such as slides.

To use this feature..

  • Create a new page.
  • Set the featured image to the image you want.
  • Change the Thesis Skin Custom Template to “Slide Page”.
  • Save the page.
  • slide-image-settings

NEXT – Page Sequences

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